Friday, December 27, 2019

Introduction. Most Human Beings Believe Overweight And

Introduction Most human beings believe overweight and obesity are the same. Well there are some truth to it but, overweight is just more body weight then what is considered normal or healthy for ones build, or even age as obesity is an excessive amount of weight.(roshdal) Which becomes a condition of obesity because that one individuals BMI (body mass mass index is greater than 30 or 30. (BMI for children and teens) So why is it good to manage food? Well due to obesity, it helps with weight loss, instead of weight gain, to many calories, store in your body as fat; this then can lead to an illness or disabilities, then to most severely death.(roshdal) Description There are two kinds of people obesity affects, for instance adolescents/†¦show more content†¦Then there are some medications which in the patients case it do not replace their diet, first there is beta-methyl-phenyletheylamin (fastin), which increases the fat metabolism giving energy to patient. Then there is orlistat (xenical) this one works by blocking 30% of the fat nutrients from being absorbed. As well as another agent Sibutramine acts to block uptake of serotonin, norepinephrine and dopamine. Nursing managements Therefore there are medical managements, there is some nursing management, we will carry out and review daily food diary the patient will then document (caloric intake, types of and amount of food eating habits). While going into formulating an eating plan with the patient using knowledge of individuals’ height, body. The build of one’s body, age, gender of the individual as well as the individual those selves. Monitoring the pattern of eating energy, and as well as the nutrients requirements. Then by determining which diets and ways that have been used the results. As well as the individuals’ frustration and factors that is stopping the success of the patients’ goals of losing weight.( Obesity Treatment Management)These two nursing management will help the person, patient to know which to eat and managing their intake and habits, focusing on what they digest in there body Recommendation toShow MoreRelatedWeight Loss Of Overweight And Obesity Essay1124 Words   |  5 PagesTable of Content Disclaimer, Terms Conditions Introduction to Weight Loss Causes of Overweight and Obesity Different Body Parts and Weight Diet Weight Loss Your Weight Loss Daily Diet Plan 12 Best Weight Loss Friendly Foods Best Exercises to Lose weight on Different Body Parts Best Way to Lose Weight in a Week The Magic of Affirmations Conclusion One Last Thing Introduction to Weight Loss Unfortunately, for most people gaining weight is much easier than losing weight. 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Thursday, December 19, 2019

Organizational Learning Disabilities - 2420 Words

Organizational Learning Disabilities Introduction Peter Senge in his book The Fifth Discipline (1990) discusses the virtues of creating a learning organization. According to Senge learning organizations are  ¦organizations where people continually expand their capacity to create the results they truly desire, where new and expansive patterns of thinking are nurtured, where collective aspiration is set free, and people are continually learning how to learn together (Senge 1990, p. 3). There are many incentives to develop a culture of learning in an organization. In a learning organization change is seen as an opportunity to learn through problem solving. Change in the modern workplace occurs rapidly and organizations must adapt quickly. A learning organization can ensure that there is a strategic alignment between customer needs, organizational goals, individual learning, and resource allocations. A learning organization fosters information exchange and captures expertise from all levels of personnel. A learning organization can make use of alternative strategies that integrate learning into the workplace. These alternative methods cost less and are effective. In a learning organization managers serve as teachers, each individual is empowered to be responsible for his or her own learning (Learning organization overview n. d.). Organizational Learning Disabilities Senge identifies seven learning disabilities that affect organizational success. They are 1) I am myShow MoreRelatedA Brief Note On Websites, Links And Articles On Learning Disabilities And Families1007 Words   |  5 Pages Webliography: Websites, Links and articles on Learning Disabilities and families Sha’Vonne J. 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Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Main Factors Beyond Decision Making

Question Discuss about the Main Factors Beyond Decision Making. Answer: Introduction: The profit seeking companies completely focus on making profit intensively. However, profit maximization cannot be considered as performance criteria. The idea of improving profit is not just worthless, but hazardous (Dimitrijevic, 2015). The main responsibility of a company is not the enhancement of revenue, but the attainment of enough income to permit for the dangers of the monetary action of the business. Profit is similar to oxygen for the company. Without this profit, a business cannot make progress. However profit maximization, like too much oxygen, can make issues as in this situation a company completely concentrates on income improvement and ignores other aspects. The managerial decision making process becomes poor and due to which protection, services and performance of products declines. The process of income maximizing increases organizational poisonous that damages whole industrial sector. The companies must concentrate on contentment and satisfaction of customers. They have to focus on wealth maximization, improving sales, and attaining additional shares in markets. In this era of globalization, various contemporary corporations are concentrating on value creation (Ibrahim, 2009). In wealth maximization, the managers concentrate on cash flows, value of business and prosperity instead of profitability. To become prosperous in this era of internationalization, the companies have to remember that profit is imperative but profit maximization is perilous for heath of companies and societies. Short term and long term decision making processes differentiate due to different time periods. They possess diverse objectives in the company and both are imperative to expand incomes for the company (Al-Tarawneh, 2012). Short term decisions are made for accomplishing shorter period objectives as these are planned, premeditated and operational in nature. These decisions can be modified easily as per requirements and they require limited time period. On the other hand, long term decisions influence strategic targets and require huge amounts of financial value. These decisions have a huge monetary affect on the company in case of inappropriateness. These decisions are divergent in nature so require dissimilar type of facts. Management accounting system provides relevant information for making these decisions. Long-standing decision making process impact whole business so enduring estimations of companys income and market situations will assist to decide. Tactical or operational decisi ons impact customers and profitability. The manager require information about customers demands, number of customers, sales, stocks, and market trends for short term decision making process. In making longer term decisions, the managers required comprehensive data about future and current market positions. The information about political, social, ecological, operations and technological factors is also required. It requires several months or weeks, practicability researches and costs of information. In short term decision making, the managers are required to get data about sales, worker prices and expenditures. The data is arranged in heads of costs and sales and it provides a clear picture of tendencies and customer preferences. Market research is essential for making short term decisions, yet managers focus on their institutions as well (Nooraie, 2008). In 2014, Tesco changed the commercial incomes and made it judgmental. The company manipulated financial statements for covering some losses. Monetary reports demonstrate the financial health of corporations. Before making relationships with companies, the financers, lenders and probable core consumers evaluate these statements comprehensively. Value creation of personnel depends on amount of revenues a corporation generates. Manipulation of financial reports is natural process as in this situation entities have an excellent inducement. Unhappily, the corporations misrepresent debts, inventories, ratios, charges, depreciations, estimations of prosperity and incomes, loans, and materials to present them healthier. Impracticable forecasts can be presented excellently without really achieving. Reserves of bad debts are diminished through reducing expenditures of bad debts. The company inflates the good and hides the fact of insolvency (Koch, 2010). Current assets are manipulated to incre ase reserves. Earnings are boosted artificially by decreasing the expenses of depreciations. It becomes difficult to understand that whether a corporation is really reinvesting or is just entertaining the advantages. Companies will positively forecast the enlargement of investments in the pension plan, so diminishing the expenditures. Costs of outmoded inventories are lessened to demonstrate high inventory. Amounts of earnings are also changed as per requirements. The corporations do these fabrications to mislead financers and investors. Sometimes, corporations can struggle to conceal an unproductive period by selling low demanded inventories in the markets. They can change big quarterly loss but earn insignificant profit. Companies also hide their weaknesses and deficiencies through modifying standards and promote financers to go through statements without hesitation. They can appeal high investments (Northrop, 2013). The financers, shareholders and investors invest without doubts. Goodwill of companies also boost significantly as well. References Al-Tarawneh, D.H.A., 2012. The Main Factors beyond Decision Making. Journal of Management Research , 4(1), pp.1-23. Dimitrijevic, D., 2015. The Detection And Prevention Of Manipulations In The Balance Sheet And The Cash Flow Statement. Ekonomski Horizonti, 17(2), pp.135-50. Ibrahim, S.S., 2009. The usefulness of measures of consistency of discretionary components of accruals in the detection of earnings management. Journal of business finance and accounting, 36(10), pp.1087-116. Koch, C., 2010. An ethical justification of profit maximization. Society and Business Review, 5(3), pp.270-80. Nooraie, M., 2008. Decision magnitude of impact and strategic decision-making process output: The mediating impact of rationality of the decision-making process. Management Decision, 46(4), pp.640-55. Northrop, E., 2013. The Accuracy, Market Ethic, And Individual Morality Surrounding The Profit Maximization Assumption. American Economist, 58(2), pp.111-23.

Wednesday, December 4, 2019

Jane Eyre. Wuthering Heights Review Essay Example

Jane Eyre. Wuthering Heights Review Paper Essay on Jane Eyre. Wuthering Heights After seeing the title on the cover near the Wuthering Heights, the name of Bronte, most readers probably expect to find in something in the spirit of Austin or Jane Eyre and will razocharovano.Da, this is a novel about love, not about romantic love, but about love-hate, love, break down, leaving behind broken hearts and sudby.Eto not easy entertaining reading, the author touches the darkest side of the soul The action of the book takes place the English village of the 17th century, where the main characters live -. stepbrother and sister Heathcliff and Ketrin.Oni not ideal, ck Ray can call them terrible people, do not give to live in peace either to himself or to others, their most important advantage it is the ability to love to madness, bringing each other suffering, but suffering with both downright enthusiastically, finding the sufferings of pleasure And nothing can nor razluchit- their crimes one or selfishness drugoy.Eta for nothing like love the main core of the novel. It may seem that this kind of love does not happen, that everything is a fiction author (person very svoebrazny, spinster that never left the house with cemetery views and refused medical treatment when ill, preferring to die) Yes, this love and enemy does not want, but who can say that he knows all about love, and that it did not once sucked into the maelstrom of a bottomless, sweeping everything from its path, passions? And even if all described it is only the fruit of a sick imagination of the author, the book is still addictive and penetrates the soul. Read it should at least in order to look for love and on this side, dark and tragicheskoy.Chto As for writing style, here is a comparison with the relevant Austin British classical prose, seasoned, and precisely verified and phrases . We will write a custom essay sample on Jane Eyre. Wuthering Heights Review specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on Jane Eyre. Wuthering Heights Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on Jane Eyre. Wuthering Heights Review specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer

Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Billy Budd By Herman Melville Essays (554 words) - Billy Budd

Billy Budd By Herman Melville Today's society as well as the majority of our schools can definitely improve on how it encourages creativity and individuality in today's youth. A lot of the time, it's hard to do this, but with smaller classrooms, more qualified and devoted teachers, and more cooperation from the students, everyone's needs could be met, and students would receive a better education. Many of today's schools have no tolerance for anything that may go against the ?norm.? Schools today can allow for individuality and differences in students, but they either choose not to or are not aware that anything is wrong with the way they do things. In Melville's, Billy Budd, there are examples of this stifling of individuality. The crew members on board the ?Avenger? are made to all conform and follow orders without question. Through Claggart, the men's individuality and rights as people are taken away through fear. No matter what anyone is trying to accomplish, satisfying everyone is almost always impossible. It is no different in today's school system, satisfying everyone is difficult. Students are not allowed to express themselves as freely as they should. This is not the case in all schools, but it is Especially since incidents like those at Columbine High School, schools now view acts of individuality and creativeness as those of malicious intent. There is a kind of intolerance for those who act differently from the majority. Ever since the two boys from Columbine murdered their classmates, everyone has been extremely cautious about everything from actual death threats, to mere heated discussion between classmates. It is almost to a point of overkill. How much regulation is too much regulation? In order for schools to be able to accommodate for everyone and their individual needs, they must first not punish students for being different from the majority. After there is an acknowledgment of the individuality of students, then you can start to help them learn better and on their own levels. If a student has no aspirations whatsoever to go to college, then after some persuasion for them to reconsider, they should not be expected to complete and be graded on the same set of requirements as other students. If a person is not as ?capable?, or rather does not choose to use their abilities to their fullest, then they should be graded on what they are able to do, not what other people are capable of and what they are expected to be capable of. I know that this would be difficult to do because some people might choose the easy way out and intentionally not work on the level that they are capable of. But in order for this to work, teachers must trust the students and if they say they are doing their best, then odds are, the students is actually trying their hardest. Schools could be a lot more effective, I think, if they would just comply with the needs of the individual students. There is definitely a way for students to be able to be treated as individuals, and still have the entire student body happy. This is a very difficult task to accomplish, but if all the groups work together, it can be accomplished and students can be treated as individuals, rather than the entire student body. English Essays

Sunday, November 24, 2019

Sound effects in A Streetcar Named Desire Essay Example

Sound effects in A Streetcar Named Desire Essay Example Sound effects in A Streetcar Named Desire Paper Sound effects in A Streetcar Named Desire Paper Essay Topic: A Streetcar Named Desire Tennessee Williams uses many types of music and sound as a way to communicate emotions of characters that can’t be expressed in words. A few examples of these are the blue piano, the Varsouviana polka, Its Only A Paper Moon and the other sound effects that magnify the dramatic situations in the play. In the very beginning of scene one, Williams tells us that the blue piano expresses the spirit of the life that goes on in Elysian Fields. It is noticed when Stanley tells Blanche that Stella is pregnant towards the end of scene two. When he tells her, the blue piano becomes louder. When Stanley is shouting Stella’s name after the poker night disaster, the blue piano is played again, showing Stanley’s raw emotion as he called for her. The blue piano is mostly played during moments of loneliness, hope and passion. Some of these emotions are shown when Blanche talks about the loss of Belle Reve and her family. The hope is expressed candidly when she gets the idea of contacting Shep Huntleigh who she thinks can help her and Stella escape the ‘desperate situation’ they are in. Desire and passion is conveyed when Stanley and Stella come back to each other in scene three and when Stanley sexually abuses Blanche. The Varsouviana was the song that Blanche and her young husband, Allan Grey, were dancing to when she told him that he ‘disgusted’ her after seeing him cheat on her with a man. He then ran outside and shot himself. This polka song plays only in her head when the subject of Allan’s death is brought up or if she has a feeling of regret. For instance in scene one when Stanley asks about her being married once, the polka music rises up. It is also played when she has a hard time differentiating what’s real and what isn’t. Every time Blanche hears the polka music, she remembers that night and the guilt she feels for his suicide. The polka is played more often as we move forward with the play as if indicating that Blanche’s mental state is declining and getting worse as we go along. For example, when Mitch confronts Blanche about her past in scene nine. She suddenly talks about the Varsouviana, â€Å"The â€Å"Varsouviana†! The polka tune they were playing when when Allan- Wait! † In scene seven, Blanche is singing ‘It’s Only A Paper Moon’ while taking one of her hot baths. The song is about lovers and their imaginary world and that if they both believe in it, it’s not so imaginary anymore. Williams contrasted Stanley telling Stella about Blanche’s affairs in Laurel while Blanche was singing, â€Å"Say, it’s only a paper moon, Sailing over a cardboard sea – But it wouldn’t be make-believe If you believed in me! † It’s like Stanley is trying to convince Stella of one truth while Blanche is implicitly implying that anything can be real if you want it to be. This is partly the reason she feels that entwining her lies with the truth is harmless, and that as long as it sounds better than the truth, it wouldn’t hurt anybody. The trumpet and drums are heard in situations that are slightly theatrical. For example when Stella says, â€Å"It will happen! † And impulsively kisses Blanche about her and Mitch getting together. Another important moment it comes up is in scene ten, when Stanley sexually abuses Blanche: â€Å"The hot trumpet and drums from the Four Deuces sound loudly. † Plastic theatre is when the playwright uses props, sound and stage directions to show the experiences that the characters have gone through. In Blanche’s case, Williams uses the Varsouviana polka as a way for Blanche to vividly remember the night of Allan’s suicide. The polka tune also brings up feelings of regret that Blanche has about her actions of the time she stayed at the Flamingo Hotel. This is shown when Stanley gives her the bus ticket for her to go back to Laurel. An additional sound as plastic theatre are the ‘inhuman jungle voices’ that Blanche hears in scene ten and eleven. The voices convey her feeling in the situations the voices are heard. One of them is when Stanley is advancing towards her and she feels like an animal trapped in a corner. She feels like she is the prey and Stanley or the matron is the predator trying to catch her. The locomotives represent Stanley and his desire to bring down Blanche. Every time there is a discovery of Blanche’s embarrassing and shameful past through Stanley, the sound of a locomotive is present. When he overhears what Blanche really thinks about him, a locomotive is also present. Locomotives give out strong, dominating sounds, which mirror Stanley’s character. Therefore, without the blue piano, the Varsouviana or Williams’ use of plastic theatre and juxtaposes, the play wouldn’t seem so dramatic. The polka exaggerates Blanche’s declining mental state and makes the audiences emotions for her change from disrespecting her for her promiscuous past to sympathy because its not entirely her fault. In my opinion, I find Stanley’s dialogue juxtaposed with Blanche’s singing in scene seven the most intriguing use of music and dialogue compared to the others.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Unfolding the Secrets to Successful Management Assignment

Unfolding the Secrets to Successful Management - Assignment Example Big problems can result and the blame would obviously be laid on me in the end. So, I made it my responsibility almost from the starting period to create the right kind of environment at my store in order to manage a culturally diverse workforce. Creating the right kind of atmosphere means enabling the workers to understand and respect different cultures and consider all opinions in a manner free of cultural prejudices and biases. Things which might be acceptable in one culture might appear to be truly inappropriate for working coming from a different cultural background. So making the workers realize the subtle and sensitive differences between different cultures by providing them with increased means of intercommunication can help a manager immensely in handling a culturally diverse workforce. 2. What tools do you employ to handle the workplace conflicts which can be disastrous for the work environment? You might have noticed that many times conflicts originate due to every worker appearing to be involved in his/her own world, presenting ideas that antagonize ideas introduced by other workers, and refusing to genuinely collaborate with others. Therefore, for one thing, I try handling workplace conflicts by laying stress on the importance of teamwork and mutual collaboration which is all teamwork actually is about. Conflicts also arise between employers and employees when a low level of creativity is consistently maintained by employees. So I have taken it upon myself to encourage my workers to be innovative and creative in whatever job they do here. I happened to be quite authoritative in my initial days which led to a low level of creativity and less production which is why I changed my management style and became more involved to avoid conflicts. 3. What strategies do you follow to address the confusions and prejudices which result due to less communication between managers and employees? I understand that less communication between managers and employees i s a grave issue and raises serious concern for the organizations. As I mentioned before, many changes came in this store I work as a manager at during the authoritarian management days like workplace-related stress, conflicts due to cultural diversity handled in the wrong way, less communication, and myriad confusions. I could not realize these bad and harmful changes until I became involved with my workers and began to take interest in what issue they were facing and how they could be solved. When there is less communication, workers begin to feel confused about certain orders as they are not explained in a more enhanced way by the managers and certain jobs are left undone consequently.Â